While households across America are discovering kombucha, some individuals are less than convinced.

In an article documenting how Tennessee homes and grocery stores are starting to brew kombucha, a dietician is quoted saying the following:

“I think it’s just another health trend, like juicing or the Paleo diet,” says Amy Autuori, a registered dietitian at Memorial Hospital. “And I’ve heard it tastes horrible. Why don’t people just eat a yogurt and drink some black tea?”

What kind of dietician would dismiss something so easily out of hand without actually trying it?

This shows an ignorance of the types of bacteria too, because the bacteria found in yogurts is different than the bacteria found in kombucha.

Black tea and yogurt are great additions to a diet, don’t get me wrong, but would this dietician be prescribing yogurt for someone who is lactose intolerant?

Unfortunately, many “dieticians” like this don’t do their research or stay on the up and up products like kombucha. And it’s their patients who suffer.