Can yoga detox the body?

As exercise, yoga is unmatched in the potential for it to increase flexibility, athleticism, and cardiovascular strength,

But can yoga detox too?

Apparently, there’s a special yoga position called Ardha Matsyendrasna which is supposed to detox the body:

When performed correctly, after a proper warm-up and with attention to alignment, this humble but adaptable twist both strengthens and releases a host of muscles from your rhomboids (associated with the scapula) to your hamstrings, with a lot in between including both internal and external obliques and spinal extensors.

Despite the fact that this yoga position can increase blood flow throughout the body, it does not detox the body.

Detox comes from the liver, and yoga will not directly affect liver function.

Your liver is a truly amazing filter, and anything that increases blood flow and exercise can help your liver run more efficiently.

In fact, exercise is the most effective “detox”:

To quote Sir Liam Donaldson, former Chief Medical Officer, in his 2009 report on the state of public health: “The potential benefits of physical activity to health are huge. If a medication existed which had a similar effect, it would be regarded as a ‘wonder drug’ or ‘miracle cure’.”

Woman asks husband to take nude yoga photos of her, the results are beautiful

Despite just being good for mobility and overall wellness, yoga moves the body in ways that are simply beautiful.

Luba Shumeyko had her husband, Petter Hegre, photograph her in a variety of yoga poses in the nude.

Her body stretches in gorgeous angles, showing how yoga complements both the curvatures and the rigidity of the human form.

One of the best things about yoga is that its accessible for all body types and all ages.

Although doing it in the nude is a little daring, it goes to show that yoga can enhance the artfulness of the body.