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Dr. Oz pushes detox diet, does it work?

Dr. Mehmet Oz is a TV doctor who is quite accomplished in his own right as a heart surgeon. Frequently, he asks guests on his show who offer unique types of diets and cleanses. Dr. Alejandro Junger was a recent guest, and featured the following “detox diet”: Only liquid meals for three days (no solid food allowed). Your diet will be three liquid meals and one liquid snack per day… Read More

This cool looking tank can affect your senses

A sensory deprivation tank is a unique way to alter your senses and affect your consciousness. The concept has been around for the past few decades, but they are becoming more mainstream as more have tried the product and attested to the positive benefits. Here’s how it works: It is filled with salt water that is at body temperature, causing the user to “weightlessly float” in the tank. The tank.. Read More

This advice on detoxing is powerful

The market has been saturated by quick-fix, weight-loss detoxes that do little for the body. Usually these come in the form of crash diets, juice cleanses, or replacing all your food with a liquid for an extended period of time. While occasional liquid meal replacement is fine, many people take it a step too far to fit into a dress, look good for a party, or overcome a hangover, while.. Read More

According to scientists, there may actually be consciousness after death

Your consciousness is your current state of being. It’s your awareness of what’s around you, it’s the understanding that you’re alive, breathing, functioning, living, growing, and existing. But when you die, that consciousness does not simply disappear. After all, the Law of the Conservation of Energy states that energy is neither created or destroyed in a closed system. Essentially, when you die–you simply change form. A new understanding of consciousness.. Read More

Check out this award-winning kombucha out of Austin

It’s remarkable just how quickly kombucha and other fermented beverages have stormed the marketplace in recent years. The beverage’s ever-growing popularity has coincided with stores carrying a larger number of refrigerated drinks as well as new bottling techniques which can preserve the fermentation of kombucha for transport. Everyone knows about GT’s famous kombucha and how that has dominated stores like Whole Foods the past few years. Other up-and-coming alternatives promise.. Read More

How to use a quick nap to your advantage

There are those days that seemingly never end where you’d love nothing more on a warm afternoon to curl up and take a quick, refreshing nap. However, many people nap incorrectly. In fact, napping more than 30 minutes is essentially sleep, and can interfere with your evening sleep cycles, leaving you groggy and less restful than when you laid your head down to catch some “z”s. If you want to.. Read More

Can indoor air be more polluted than outside air?

I once got into a heated (to say the least) discussion with a roommate over keeping the A/C on during the winter. I felt it would be best to leave it off and leave the windows open to the cool evening, allowing some refreshing air flow. My roommate preferred to keep the window shut around the clock and the A/C on, even when it was the same temp outside as.. Read More

A first-hand account of sensory deprivation tanks

Sensory deprivation tanks, or “iso tanks”, are a little known form of meditation which involves floating in a soundproof, lightproof saltwater tank the size of a tanning bed. They are on the cutting edge of alternative medicine, and are not as widely found as other treatments, but they provide an unparalleled and unique effect on the body. There are some things to remember before going in: The water is salty.. Read More

How popular is alternative medicine?

Alternative medicine has always appealed to a niche group in the United States, but has not quite caught on as much as hoped. However, in recent years, as healthcare costs mount, people are turning more frequently towards alternative cures for common ailments. The most frequently used alternative medicines in America are: nonvitamin, nonmineral natural products (18 percent) deep breathing (13 percent) meditation (9 percent) chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation (9 percent).. Read More

Don’t be afraid of fermented foods

Fermented foods sometimes get a bad rap. Where one person sees something that’s “gone bad”, another sees an opportunity. After all–beer and wine are fermented foods, and are a part of our culture. Kombucha is another example of a fermented food that is becoming more popular. And unlike beer and wine–kombucha is easy to make at home. However, making kombucha at home takes some precautions: You do need to make.. Read More