Sensory deprivation tanks, or “iso tanks”, are a little known form of meditation which involves floating in a soundproof, lightproof saltwater tank the size of a tanning bed.

They are on the cutting edge of alternative medicine, and are not as widely found as other treatments, but they provide an unparalleled and unique effect on the body.

There are some things to remember before going in:

The water is salty enough that you float effortlessly. Yes, you need to completely LET GO. You won’t sink. If you fall asleep, you won’t drown. Just let go.

Which is strong advice for many of life’s problems.

What are the effects?

about 75% of people who use them will report an improvement in depression and anxiety after ONE use. (I can personally say that I felt significantly better, lighter, happier and calmer after my first use.)

The constant stimulation of the outside world has a continuous effect on those who suffer from depression and anxiety.

By allowing your body to calm, insulate it from outside stresses and noise, and have directed focus, you can overcome the struggles which lead to depression and anxiety.

If you haven’t tried out an iso tank experience, you should put it on your bucket list.