Is the medical industry finally willing to accept meditation?

The medical industry has been slow on the uptake when it comes to meditation. However, now that healthcare costs have reached unsustainable levels, the medical industry is looking to meditation to provide some guidance. After all, “[u]nlike insurance-driven medical models, this one comes free and is available to virtually anyone. All it takes is a willingness to learn, discipline and plenty of practice.” UC Davis, with the Shamatha Project, is.. Read More

Is meditation a form of brainwashing?

As meditation becomes more popular, it has raised more concerns. There are fears that meditation is a cult, especially meditation with soundtracks or suggested phrases. People are afraid of brainwashing. But you must think of the brainwashing you to do yourself so you can positively—wash your brain. Think about how many negative thoughts go through your mind on a daily basis. Your mind may be sullied with low self-confidence, anger,.. Read More

What is mindful awareness–and why is everyone doing it?

Many companies now offer meditative escapes, which are vacations that are specifically designed to enhance your abilities for mindful meditation. So what exactly is mindful meditation? According to Diana Winston, director of education for UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center, it’s “[p]aying attention to present moment experiences with open, curious attention and a willingness to be with what is.” That’s right–UCLA now has a Mindful Awareness Research Center.  It goes to.. Read More

How meditation makes you a better person

Among the many health benefits of meditation, there’s a new one—it makes you a nicer person. In a new study between Northeastern and Harvard Universities, it was found that “meditation can improve compassion and do-gooder behavior.” Surprise–meditation actually makes you a better person. An actor in crutches struggled with a waiting room, and volunteers either responded to help or didn’t. The overwhelming number of those who underwent meditation treatment helped.. Read More

Ow! How meditation helps pain relief

Meditation has so many health benefits that it’s difficult to keep them all in line. Today, we return to one of its original discovered benefits—relieving pain and stress. Heart-centered meditation has the ability to help your body through times of physical pain and stress. Here is what you need to do: Make your breath complete, with the assistance of your abdominal muscles. Inhale completely and balloon your abdomen out, then.. Read More

How Hollywood is using meditation for charity

There are two new endorsers of meditation out of Hollywood, but it’s not quite who you think. Well-known filmmaker David Lynch (Mulholland Drive, Elephant Man, Dune) profiled the importance of meditation in a new film, Meditation Creativity Peace, which “follows the director during his 2007 visits to film schools in 16 Middle Eastern and European countries to talk about meditation, art and peace.” On stage, Lynch was joined by Russell.. Read More

Don’t stress! How meditation can help chill you out

There’s something meditation devotees have always noticed about meditation—it’s a real stress-reducer. And now, there is a study that backs them up. A UC Davis study shows that “focusing on the present — or being mindful — can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.” In the study: [i]ndividuals who scored high on the mindfulness questionnaire also had low levels in cortisol, both before and after the retreat. Subjects whose.. Read More

This Congressman wants everyone to meditate

Representative Tim Ryan, of Ohio, engages in a practice that helps him get through the tougher congressional sessions: meditation. According to Rep. Ryan: Properly used, he said, it could lower blood pressure, improve children’s test scores and help veterans returning from the war cope with post-traumatic stress disorder. He even cites studies indicating that it can help people speed recovery from psoriasis, a common and sometimes debilitating skin condition. The.. Read More