All of the caffeine and stimulants we consume on a daily basis combined with the consistent stress of daily life creates a recipe for poor sleep, anxiety, agitation, short-temperedness, and digestive issues.

However, there are two roots that have been used for centuries to calm and relax the body—and they’re available at your grocery store.

Valerian root has been used for “more than 1,000 years” as a relaxing supplement that won’t leave you sedated or groggy.

Several studies have shown that valerian, when taken before bed, can help you sleep more soundly and ultimately make you more rested and relaxed.

This can most likely be found in capsule form in your store’s vitamin aisle.

Another root that will calm your nerves is kava.

Found in the Pacific Island and used by locals for thousands of years, the kava root is touted as a body relaxer and hallucinogenic in high quantities.

However, in more reasonable amounts, the root can be a wonderful relaxer.

Kava tea is used in ceremonies to induce a euphoric and relaxed feeling that some compare to the effects given by a stiff cocktail, but without any of the emotional outbursts usually associated with alcohol. Kava generally makes you happy, calm and eventually puts you to sleep. And the plant does all this without giving you a hangover.

Kava is also found in supplement form in your grocery store’s vitamin aisle.

Use these powerful calming roots sparingly to achieve relaxing effects, and kick that “evening cocktail” to the curb.